Selected references for further reading
Conrad Haas, Kunstbuch, Manuscript, Hermannstadt 1556. – The original manuscript is in Bucharest in the National Archive of Romania [Arhivele Nationale ale României]. (A facsimile is reported to be in Vienna in the Austrian National Library [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek] - only verbal information without written confirmation.)
Willy Ley (ed.), Die Möglichkeit der Weltraumfahrt : allgemeinverständliche Beiträge zum Raumschiffahrtsproblem. With articels of Hermann Oberth,. Franz von Hoefft, Walter Hohmann, Karl Debus, Guido von Pirquet and .Fr. W. Sander; (Leipzig: Hachmeister & Thal, 1928)
Hermann Noordung ( = Herman Potocnik), Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums. Der Raketen-Motor. Berlln, Verlag Richard Carl Schmidt 1929 (Reprint: Wien, Turia & Kant, 1993; )
English: The Problem of Space Travel (edited by NASA 1995)
The English version can be found in a rough version on the web, provided by NASA: http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4026/contents.html
Hermann Oberth, Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen. München und Berlin, Oldenbourg 1923 (Reprint Nuremberg 1960/1964)
Eugen Sänger, Raketentechnik, Vienna 1933 / Rakentenflugtechnik, Munich 1933
Friedrich Schmiedl, Early postal rockets in Austria: A memoir. In: Essays of the History of Rocketry and Astronautics: Proceedings of the Third through Sixth History Symposium of the International Academy of Astronautics. NASA, Washington D.V. 1977
Franz Ulinski,, Das Problem der Weltraumfahrt. In: „Der Flug“, Vienna 1920, Nr. 6-12, pp113-124.
Max Valier, Der Vorstoss in den Weltenraum. Eine wissenschaftlich-gemeinverständliche Betrachtung. Munich and Berlin, Oldenbourg 1924
Bruno Besser (Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences) wrote the standard work about the role of Austria and Austrians in space exploration, published in 2009. The first chapter (pp 17-52) is dedicated to the pioneer period:
Bruno P. BESSER, Österreichs Weg in den Weltraum. Paris, Beauchesne Editeur 2009.
A short version in English: “Austria’s History in Space” was published by ESA and is available on the internet:
OTHER (subjective selection):
Hans BARTH, Conrad Haas, Leben und Werk in Wort und Bild, Bukarest, Kriterion 1983
Wernher von BRAUN and Frederick I. Ordway III, History of Rocketry and Space Travel, 244 p., Thomas Y. Crowell Comp., New York, USA, 1966.
Werner BÜDELER, Geschichte der Raumfahrt (History of Rocketry), 506 p., Sigloch, Künzelsau, Germany, 1979/1982 (in German).
Willy LEY, Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel, 528 p., The Viking Press, 1957.
Ron MILLER The Dream Machines, An Illustrated History of the Spaceship in Art, Science and Literature, 714 p., Krieger Publ., Malabar, Florida, USA, 1993.
Michael RYCROFT(Ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space, 386 p., Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, 1990.
Fritz SYKORA Pioniere der Raketentechnik aus Österreich (Pioneers of Rocketry from Austria), Blätter für Technikgeschichte, 22, p.189-204, 1960 (in German).
Frank H. WINTER, Rockets into Space, 165 p., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA, 1990.
Frank H. WINTER, Prelude to the Space Age, The Rocket Societies: 1924 – 1940, 207 p., Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA, 1983.